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Golden Comet
Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Reds are the most common, and preferred, in the backyard farm. Rhode Island Red hens lay the larger, darker brown eggs that most people, from my experience, associate with fresh eggs.

Golden Comets are a popular breed for the backyard farm. They lay large brown eggs that are slightly lighter than those laid by the Rhode Island Reds.

Our Pekin White, or Domestic White, ducks lay one to two eggs each, daily. These eggs work great in all your recipes. The white are thicker than chicken eggs, and the yolks are slightly darker. Try them deviled or for your next breakfast omlete. You'll be glad you did!

Australorp hens are black, and they tend to be just as gentle as the Golden Comets. They lay brown eggs that are slightly lighter in color than the Rhode Island Reds.

Pekin White Duck

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.


Hogan's Farms hens and ducks produce 15 - 18 eggs daily. Each one is hand washed, graded, and packed to insure the best quality eggs are provided to our customers.

© 2015 by HOGAN'S FARMS. Proudly created with

South Carolina Department of Agriculture Wholesale Egg Distributor License #1294

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